
Showing posts from July, 2020

Are all laptops really kids friendly?

My little kid walked up to me and said she was amused by stars & planets and wished she would watch a shooting star pass by. I went pondering over which telescope is best Celestron, Orion, James Webb? Did you just say “Absurd” I can hear your mind’s voice. I agree, the child’s fancy does not ask for a technology that advanced, although it may be affordable. At least, a high-tech telescope does not pose the threats that an inadvertent laptop placed in a kid’s hands does. This is what makes choosing the right device for your child a tricky issue. For about 2 decades, I have worked with teachers, educationists and parents of Millennials and Generation Z kids concerned about the caveats of technology on one side and the system designers and makers on the other who are impressing us with innovation. From what I observed, one of the greatest challenges in raising Generation Z kids is their exposure to Technology. While gadgets are an indispensable part of their lives, the threats cannot